Saturday, December 26, 2015

Ramblings on December 26, 2015

Seeing as this is quite possibly going to be my last post for the year, I'll do my best to make it a good one.

I haven't been nearly as faithful with this whole blog thing as I had hoped to be when I first started. I mean, it went all well and good for like a week, but then it went spiraling downhill.

It's kind of like that with most things I try to do, which is kind of discouraging. A couple months ago, I got a brilliant idea. I want to be healthier, so why not go on a vegan diet? I mean, what's there to lose?

It lasted for two days.

Okay, well, why don't I do my best to get straight A's in school so I can raise my GPA some?

I barely passed my classes for first semester.

What's there to take from all of this?

Well, for me, I need to figure out what motivates me. At this point, I feel like there's no point in doing anything if I'm just going to fail at it anyway. But the thing is, how do I know I'm going to fail if I haven't even tried? I'm not motivated to try because I'm sure I'll fail if I try, and if I try, I'm not motivated to go through with it because I keep thinking of what could go wrong.

It's a vicious cycle, really.

What about you? Feel free to comment or something, I'd love to hear from anyone!

You're all awesome.

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