Monday, August 3, 2015

Ramblings on August 3, 2015 (This is a bit of a rant. If you're offended by rants, go away)

I was on Whisper earlier today, which, in case you don't know, is an app that lets you post things anonymously for anyone to see. I saw a post that read something along the lines of, "I just got my girlfriend pregnant. I'm leaving her if she doesn't get an abortion. I'm only 20. I don't want to be a dad." To which I responded, "Leave her. She and the baby don't need a piece of shit like you in their lives." 

To all you horny couples out there: You're not immune to pregnancy. Having intercourse is like signing a contract that says, "If this girl gets pregnant, we are the parents and will be there to support this child." 

If you don't want the responsibility of being a parent, gentlemen, KEEP YOUR PENIS IN YOUR PANTS. Ladies, KEEP YOUR LEGS SHUT. 

Also, ALWAYS respect someone if they say they don't want to be intimate with you. 

Gentlemen, I don't care if you're horny. Go masturbate in the shower or something. If a lady says no, she means no, not try to talk her into it and NEVER forcing her into it. That's rape.

Ladies, I don't care if you're horny. Go masturbate in the shower or something. If a gentleman says no, he means no, not to try to talk him into it and NEVER forcing him into it. That's rape.

Now that we have that out of the way, if you do end up pregnant through either your own choices or through some unfortunate event (rape. I'm talking about rape.) and you're not going to be able to support the baby, you have a couple of options. Option number one is abortion, which I personally am against but will not be shoving that belief in your face. Number two is to put your child up for adoption. NOTE: Adoption doesn't necessarily mean you'll never see your baby again. Open adoptions are a thing. Number three is to take on an extra job, maybe resort to your family members for extra support, and do the best you can to raise the baby on your own. 

All three options should be discussed and one AGREED upon by BOTH parents. Do NOT EVER FORCE A WOMAN TO HAVE AN ABORTION. EVER. If you both agree on it, that's a different story. LADIES, DO NOT JUST GO HAVE AN ABORTION WITHOUT TALKING TO THE BABY'S FATHER FIRST. 

I'm beginning to get so frustrated I can't think clearly.

I'm going to leave it there. Feel free to comment on any of these, I'll read anything you have to say. You're all awesome. 

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